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A note from the author...
Welcome to Slap It! Online. I'm excited to be presenting my latest slap bass lines in this new way. Write it, record it, share it!
My new slap bass lines are presented here as a series of exercises from 2 to 16 bars in length. There are currently more than 50 pages of slap bass materials online.
I've posted demo pages here so you can see and hear how the material is presented.
Each example will be presented as a PDF file in both Standard Notation and TAB, along with audio versions at two tempos (usually 80 bps and 100 bps depending on the material).
You'll be able to playback each example (at either tempo) with Bass and Drums, Bass only, and Drums only.
Slap It! Online is essentially Volume II of Slap It! No material from the book is repeated here. It is all new material.
If you have enjoyed the slap bass lines in Slap It!, you're going to love Slap It! Online!
Tony Oppenheim